
Sunday, September 9, 2012

I am not a normal blogger

Okay no matter how much I have tried to schedule blogs or even plan topics my life doesn't allow for it. Being a stay at home/homeschooling mother of  4 children isn't easy and I am finding that as they get older its getting harder. I miss the days of just laying on the couch reading book after book or coloring all day with the kids. Now with having kids that need real lessons and a structured schedule I am out of time at the end of the night when all I want to do its watch one of my Netflix shows. (Yes Netflix before blogging!!! It helps me relax before bed and my laptop comes to bed with me on nights the hubby is gone.) I really don't understand how some of the blogs I read do it. I don't know where they get the time and how they always look so good/together when posting new pictures every week. I love them for it even more now that I have tried and failed.
BUT.....with all of that being said I am going to start using this blog DAILY for the next couple of weeks. I am going to be doing the Living and Active Challenge over at Peak313 Fitness. I have done a few of her exercises and I was doing a really good job of riding my bike every morning till sickness hit the house but now that we are recovering and needing the activity I am jumping in head first. Since I don't have anyone local to do the challenge with (part of it is accountability) I am going to just post here daily and if anyone sees it and wants to join in.
If you are reading and want to join me, DO IT!!!! and feel free to message or comment, I would love to see that someone is holding me accountable.

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