
Monday, February 6, 2012

Organized Chaos??

Am I the only person that lives in utter chaos? I don't think so but at times I feel like it. I look around at all my friends and family and I see how put together they seem, nothing is out of place, all rooms in their houses are perfect as if awaiting inspection.

If you were to walk into my house you would run away scared....just being honest. I am so not organized but over the last year I have vowed to become better organized and in a lot of things I have.

I still need more organization though.

My goals for this task is:
  • Buy bookcases. We have a ton of books that we have in boxes and as we keep unpacking a box here and a box there I have come to the conclusion I just need to buy a ton of bookcases so all my books can be on shelves so we can use them.
  • Minimize clothes. Now we have been doing the laundry mat and I honestly don't know why my kids have so much clothes, they never wear half of it.
  • Minimize clutter. I am a pack rat, if I see something that looks like I will use it and its cheap I buy it, this is hard but so far I haven't bought anything unless it has a home.
  • Make the kids more responsible. I am very picky about how things get done so I tend to take all work on myself and this past year I have learned that my kids need to start carrying some of the work. As much as I want to be Super Mom, I am not.
  • More school work. Kids aren't enjoying this but we have been doing a lot more structured work. We have even decided to not work our farmers market this year like we had done in the past so that it isn't taking away from the kids school like it had in the previous years.
  • Plan out meals. Now this is something we always have used but recently we have started making so that I can email or text my husband a shopping list for the week as he comes home so that if I need something fresh I have it and we don't have to spend a day going to town for it. We have been doing this all month and I am loving it. We start with a calendar on the computer and input meals, then I take break it down by week onto a sheet I have laminated and have it hanging so I can see the week at a glance.
  • Car care. Unfortunately our cars take a beating with us living on unmaintained roads, this past year we purchase a truck finally and we have been doing very good on keeping it in good shape. I need to be better at cleaning it out and think that with as busy as my husband is I need to learn how to do things like changing the oil, checking fluids and over all maintenance. Not something I am very confident in yet but want to be.

Pray for me as I journey thru my chaos and try to find a way out.


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