
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Garden Planner - A Must Have for Gardener

Okay being laid up with a bad ankle means lots of random browsing online and catching up on blogs. Well Monday night kind of late I was reading New Life on a Homestead and fell in love with the Garden Planner she mentions.
Its called Sprout Robot.

Immediately I started my free account and looked at what I should be doing soon, based on my previous gardens its pretty accurate and very easy to follow.

I have recently been chatting with friends that are starting their first garden and they were so confused as to when to start or plant anything outside. This tells you. It takes all the confusion of freeze dates, last frosts, first frosts or anything else that makes a new gardener hesitant away.

All you do is enter your zip code and check the type of plants you want in your spring or summer garden and it comes back with a list of to do's for each week.
For example mine starts the week of Feb 20th and my to do's are starting bell peppers and tomatoes indoors. 
It even will email you before its time to do it.

Now it does have UPGRADES avalible so take a good look around to see what fits your needs most. If you upgrade it will even send you seeds to plant.

If you even considered planting a garden you should check this out and see if it will work for you. I seriously love it so far. It makes me so anxious to start planting but shows me I have a couple more weeks to wait.

Happy Gardening!!


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